Annual meeting in Stockholm 2016
On the annual meeting presentations and discussions were held on the focus areas.
Annual meeting in Gothenburg 2017
At the annual meeting topics of water flow and LENR history were presented and discussed.
Annual meeting in Stockholm 2018-08-25
Annual meeting with formalities and presentations within fluid dynamics and other areas. Meeting also August 26 with presentations and discussions.
Annual meeting in Gothenburg 2019-10-05
Annual meeting with formalities and presentations and discussions within focus areas.
Annual meeting in Stockholm and virtually 2020-11-07
Annual meeting with formalities and presentations and discussions within focus areas and other physics areas.
Annual meeting in Stockholm Globen 2022 September 3
Annual meeting with formalities and presentations and discussions within focus areas and Witalis' environmentally friendly small scale non thermal nuclear fusion power without radioactive waste, Claes Johnson's aviation theory and Schauberger's biomachines etc.